Now let's take our time to delve further into this great topic called wealth. There are so many facets to it. It can be approached from any angle, debated upon for many hours, but the truth of it still remains the same. It does not change. The fact of the matter is this, wealth continues to remain in the hands of the few, while many seek for it, and even many more have little to nothing to live by. This may sound a bit harsh and maybe too blunt coming from me, but its the truth. This is what is happening in our present world. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. I am not happy making this statement, but in the spirit of truth and realistic assessment, it is always good to start with a real, undisguised, critical evaluation of ourselves, our environment, our situations, and our conditions, and then work our way up from there. This way we are sure to be starting on a sure footing, and we can hardly ever go wrong as we work our way up to the ultimate goal of life on earth which is to be wealthy. Yeah!
So what am i saying in essence? Well its simple. If you are wealthy you are in the class of the privileged few, if you are not wealthy, then you are either seeking to be wealthy, or you have accepted your humble condition and have no desire for wealth whatsoever. I personally prefer to be found in the set of wealthy individuals, or at least in the set of wealth seekers, but surely not in the set of those who have resigned to their fate, or given up on the dream to have wealth and riches. I think that is a loser mentality, and i sincerely pray that those who have given up on such lofty ideals as being wealthy indeed, and have resigned themselves to this sad fate will indeed truly catch the fire, and let the spark return to their eyes. Being wealthy is an ideal that everyone should go after. After all it is God's will that his people should be wealthy. When God chose Abraham, he made him wealthy, When he was with Isaac and also with Jacob, he made them wealthy. Jesus himself wore a very expensive garment, such that the soldiers after his crucifixion rather than divide it amongst themselves, preferred to cast lots for it. God himself says it in the book of Deuteronomy that he is the God that gives us power to get wealth. It is also a promise of God to those that fear him and delight in him, that wealth and riches shall be in their house. Why am i saying all this? So that we can truly know that being wealthy, or seeking to be wealthy is indeed a lofty ideal worth going after. It is nothing to be ashamed of, or feel guilty for. But what we must watch out for as we embark on our quest for wealth and riches, is to be careful how we get the wealth (ill gotten wealth can never do you any good, rather it will cause you more harm), and to be careful how we use the wealth. Above all we must guard our hearts strongly, so that we do not exalt wealth more than it is right to do. Remember, the love of money is the root of all evil. money should be seen as a vehicle and a means for achieving an end, and not an end in itself. We must understand that money is our servant, and we must make it work for us. Money is not our god, and so do not worship it, or exalt it above its necessary use.
Now to answer the question this topic poses that why are few wealthy, many barely managing to have money, and so much more not even having at all is simple. The wealthy and rich few have already grabbed and assimilated the principles of getting wealth, and have been passing on the practical applications of it to their generations after them, hence the rich get richer. The people barely managing their money, are those who know these principles of getting wealth, and are struggling with the application of these same principles. Then we have those who have the opportunity to learn and apply the principles of getting wealth and choose not to know them or learn more about them, such people have resigned to their sad fate, and then they start criticising the efforts of those who are wealthy and those who are earnestly seeking after wealth. These are the worst sort of people to associate with, because they will only be dreams and vision killers, and will always discredit any money making venture you want to go into, because they do not believe in making money or building wealth. On this note, i leave you with this advice, if you want to be rich and wealthy, associate with the rich and wealthy, or at least associate with those who have the rich and wealthy mentality. The saying indeed holds true that the rich get richer, and the poor get poorer. So if you want to be rich and wealthy, start thinking like a rich and wealthy person.
Till you hear from me again, let wealth and riches be in your homes.
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